Monday, March 07, 2005

syllabus for non-drama students

here is the syllabus espeically designed for those who choose not to join the drama productions and those make-up senior students.

well, as "Non-drama student" (with “#”), you are supposed to hand in

Three reading reports (this could be web-based, since all students have to join this blog) 50% (a. simply post your works here. b. create your own blog site and make a link here)

and give TWO presentations in oral and written forms ( 20% )

Each student agrees to practice typing and to take the typing test ( 30%)
please click and find more info there.
We'll set the time later.

the course will be held partly on-line, off-campus depending on students' performace and real contexts.

All students will be in the drama presentations and write a review for the play contest. (if any of you volunteer to help Part of the presentation, albert will not forget your credit. )

Our reading material is chosen to help students improve their knowledge in cultural and social contexts as well as enhance their english comprehension.
Here we have a website (thank to GIO's provocative ) A brief intro to
Taiwan, and a vivid visual production cultural Faces of Taiwan produced by Cultural Construction Commission.

Hope all of you find it interesting in reading the lines and preparation for the reports.

when you're asked to volunteer to be student coordinator, our senior student Bird Tse (曾楷捷) stood up to help the class. A big "thank you" to him...


Due to the speical arrangement in this course, our meetings will be flexible. Well, for drama students, some rehearsals will depend on time allocations from the theatre. (we've visited the theatre together, in the afternoon on March 10.)

Our class schedule will be flexible, please pay attention to Key dates (indicated with a *)

Feb 21 first meeting

Feb 28 off

March 7 *play title confirmation

*Group working schedule confirmed

# non-drama students (ND) preperations (blog memberships)

postponed. and you should send your proposal (visual project) to the Blog.

March 14 X meeting albert

# ND reading (brief intro to TW)

reading topics confirmed . proposals checked!
discussion on how to become a member in the virtual community.
on-location demonstration on ground floor, Wenyou Building.

March 21 X meeting albert

# ND reading (TW): discussion continued.

give oral presentations (all students)

March 28 X meeting albert

# ND students hand in first reading reports (post here before classes)

April 4 spring recess (off)

April 11 *rehearsals schedule confirmed

# ND (Screening: cultural Faces of TW)

April 18 mid-term exam

# cultural faces of TW: discussion (reports due before class, post on-line)

April 25 DM

# ND cultural faces of TW (discussion)
# hand in 2nd report (draft)

May 2 rehearsals

group discussion on all three plays. previews on drama presentations.

May 7 *** ###presentations (all students, signature)

May 9 *# off

May 16 * review drama

Third report (review of drama presentation) due before class.

JOINT attendances with all students in Sophomore English

May 23 *# all students works done (reports + review)

off (prepare for Final project : written presentations on TW's cultural landscape)

May30 *#reviews/ check

off(prepare for final project: written presentation on TW's cultural landscape)

June 6 *#last day handing in VCD

*# watch VCD in classroom

final project due before class

June 13 *evaluation

# evaluation


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